Love vs Connection

I once asked if there were differences in the levels of love. And as I read the responses, reviewed my thoughts, and reflected back upon the numerous conversations....I came to a resounding 'NO'. We can attempt to frame it anyway we like by a number of scenarios, situations, and examples....but it is still a 'NO'. There are statements about low-level love for materialistic things, a higher level of love for family, and the highest level of love going being spiritual - but in the is love. One definition of love is,"a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection." And the BIBLE describes love by saying,"GOD is love."

And although these definitions may be true, wouldn't the connection to the things and people we love be the yard stick for levels, and not love itself?

One may love a pair of shoes, outfit, or car...but those things could be gone in less than a year. New edition, new style, or new model - these things change quickly. No real attachment, no real connection.

Friends come and go, you can't choose your family...but one can minimize or sever any of those ties if so desired. Years can go by and time can be lost as friends and family exit and re-enter one's life. An attachment indeed, but the connection may vary.

A soul-mate or children (technically) should be the people we cannot live without. A vested emotional tie linking you to them from the smallest to greatest of situations. They hurt - you want to hurt for them. Your happiness is a direct reflection of them. Soul-mate and children, no matter distance, space, or time the attachment (technically) should be unparalleled to almost anything else. Thus, strong connection.

A spiritual attachment (for those that have a relationship with GOD) tops the list. A life-long walk and growing relationship even when we were not ready for it or do not respect it. An attachment in every facet of our existence, and a connection unlike any other. Whereas, a LOVE unlike any other.

The hierarchy is just an illustration, but we can build upon those connections regardless of the attachment in efforts to make any of those relationships better. What connections do you have? Which connections are you working on? In the end, recognize those connections....because some of them only happen ONCE in a lifetime. What are YOU willing to sacrifice for a better connection?

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You can also pick up a copy of my book Male Insight - Bridging The Gap

Thank you for reading....


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