The Responsibility of Having a Supportive Partner
It's been said that, "having a supportive partner is top tier" in the relationship space. We often listen to people lament endlessly about how they wish they had some help with love. With decisions. With growth. Help with everything...with doing life.
I'm sure we could all offer a laundry list of how we could benefit from a supportive partner. A partner who caters to us. A partner who lifts us up when we are down. A partner who shares in or completes the tasks that we find less desirable. How much better would our credit score be with a supportive partner? What personal and professional goals could we accomplish with just the RIGHT supportive partner? A well-timed kiss or a timely home cooked meal of our favorite dish would consistently lift our spirits.
Oh, how life would be so much better. The path forward would appear so much clearer with a stable mate by your side.
But it's a partnership, so it just can't be about you now can it? We are naturally selfish creatures. It's easy to often think about what there is to gain as opposed to where the balance is in our taking. Of course you want to feel that your good nature would prevail; but if it doesn't....then what?. No one wants to be taken for granted, but if we only think of ourselves then that is exactly how the Supportive Partner will feel. How do we avoid this?
We honor them. We honor them if we desire to keep them in our lives.
There is always talk of unconditional love, but love has conditions. You may love deeply, but if that love is not honored...well you know the rest.
As they pour their support into you, you honor them with your effort and consistency to accomplish your goals. Your partner is already proud of you. They will celebrate your success just as much because when you win, they win as well. They know! They know all about the long nights. The frustration. The sacrifice. The dedication. The days where you felt like giving up. The times you felt defeated. They picked you up when you were down, and showered you with praise along the way for every milestone. You've BOTH come too far to give up. If you did give up, it would hurt them exponentially more than you could imagine. When you operate with less than your best, it hurts them, but they still believe. They believe in the goals and the dreams. They still believe in you.
When you don't strive to meet their belief in you, you dishonor their efforts to Support you. This can breed disappointment. Such disappointment that can easily turn into contempt.
Value your Supportive Partner when you have one. Honor them with the work that you do every day. They are rare.
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