Don't Forget The Lesson

They say all good things come to an end. If that is the case I would venture to say that not-so-good things come to an end sooner. Well, that may not always be true because we all know someone who has stayed in situations well past their expiration date. In either the good or the bad, whatever happens...don't forget the lesson.
In every scenario there is a lesson to be learned. In the realm of relationships we often allow our feelings and emotions to blind our minds from what we should learn....need to learn....have to learn. Anger, Sorrow, and even Happiness tend to turn off the recognition mechanisms in our brains. Recognition of what we know to be correct, to avoid being where we ultimately do NOT want to be. It is pertinent to seek out these matter how small....and apply them going forward.
If we continuously forget the lesson....we will forever be mentally and emotionally bound to situations that stunt our growth. We will never be free to grow and blossom into the person we should be. As long as you don't forget the will remain the key to your own freedom.
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