Don't Get It Twisted

Growing up in a house full of women has its advantages.

You get to see the game from the other side
And although you try to understand, all you can do is try
And as the saying goes Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus
Is that how it goes - something to do with the comparison of a vagina and a penis
But back to the point of seeing the game from the inside out
I have developed many theories, but without a doubt

attempting to solve the age old is all about game.

About how women want physical connection as bad as men, but society frowns and condemns
those women who 'do they own thang' with her or him.
So in most cases a women will hide behind her desire and act coy and shy,
being propositioned on the daily from every type of guy....
so there's no pressure to choose
She can have it when she wants it from 90% of those in her space,
and feels no chick can walk in her place...
but many have the game twisted.
Men are simple so we are also to blame for how folks get caught up in the game
and fall into the same chokes and chains
- - can't break the cycle.
If we (men) paid attention then we could always provide what a woman wants,
leveling the playing field against the teasers and taunts.
But because we just want to get our rocks off and glide
leaving our woman upset and unsatisfied
the game gets twisted because we lost our pride
and knowledge of what makes a woman feel good inside.

But like I said growing up in a house full of women has its advantages.
I heard about it before I saw it, and knowledge is power
so as I put in work hour after hour to create that uncontrollable shake, that creates that sweat hours after I'm gone that puts her in the shower, unconsciously touching herself imagining that her hands are mine, because I stated earlier knowledge is power.
So as the fellas sit around talking trash, I attempt to hold class
of my teachings, experiences, and early lessons - guys call it 'gettin ass'.
So Ladies don't get it twisted, because there are some of us who know,
We hope to share it with the masses, so the Good Man Movement will grow.

My unfinished thoughts...hope you enjoyed.

Come join the conversations: MCAR
You can also pick up a copy of my book Male Insight - Bridging The Gap

Thank you for reading....


  1. Bring That to the table papi...Reach one, Teach one.... thank you... just like my brother in a house with 6 women.. he has alot of inside informaton,empathy,understaning and care... His wife wont let that man go no where....

  2. His wife knows a good man when she sees (has) one! She's smart to not let him out of her sight - don't let that one get away - he's a keeper!!

  3. You've got it twisted, my brotha!!!!! The sex drive of men is guided (or mis guided) by the hormone testosterone. Thus testosterone DRIVES men to seek sex. On the other hand women do not have high levels of testosterone as men and that's why they aren't nearly as motivated to run out and get sex as men are....... My proof..... how many men versus women are driving up and down the street looking for someone they can pay to have sex with them? There are far more men seeking sex from women to the point where ANY woman will do. Ladies, don't fall for the okie dokie that this guy and the media is trying to put on us by convincing us that we need to shower men with money and other things in order to get them to have sex with us.... Another point is "how many women will have sex with a double-bagger?" A double-bagger is a term made up by men about a woman who is so ugly that you have to put a bag over her head and one over your head in case her's falls off in order to have sex with her. Case in point.... how many women will sleep with a double-bagger male just to get their rocks off? Not many..........

    1. I don't think women have to drive to seek sex. Women turn down sex daily in the most subtle of ways. I touch upon this in a recent literary release Male Insight - Bridging The Gap by Maurice Brown. Hopefully you enjoyed the poem and its play on words.


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